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Jun 30, 2021 | Poems

Do you have a message just for me?

I want to be cuddled.

I want to be understood.

I want to be loved.

I want a hand to hold on to.

I want to belong.



I have a message just for you.

You are normal, and you’re special.

You are enough, and more than enough.

You are worthy of love and you are needed.

You are going to be fine.


Forget yourself.

Shed your barriers. Shed your armour.

Loosen the strings of your heart

And the knot in your throat.

Release your pent-up breath

And the weight in your chest.

Let your tight self

Melt away and dissolve.


Don’t be afraid.

You are not vulnerable.

You belong to the world.

You are One with It.  



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